2012. 8. 8.


With proud feeling of entering Korea’s best university and high expectation to see the beautiful scene of Spring’s cherry blossom, I was instead welcomed by cold breeze when first landed at Incheon International Airport. Hoping this was not sign of bad luck, my future student-life experiences turn out really warm and exciting.
You may not have anything, but at least have the attitude! Many articles or books try to compile information on foods, languages and places as guide to survive in Korea; however it is the ATTITUDE that has enabled me to have smooth adaptation and joyful life. Here are my big 5 must have attitude as foreign students in SNU;
1.      Be active and proactive.
As a global educational institution, SNU has been well prepared to welcome international students by having the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and sent out survival guide book upon student arrival in Korea. For newbies, get good use of these valuable assets. Try to attend every session holds by OIA or even directly contact the club or association (동아리) listed in the survival guide book instead of just sit back and wait until someone told you about anything.
By doing this, I was able to make my way and joining many activities such as SNU ISF where I can get free Korean conversation class and participate in Gwanak Homestay where I lived with local families and get real taste of Korean life and culture. One of them was my thrilling first-time ‘Jimjjilbang’ experience.
2.      At least TRY!
I was in shock to find out that many international students has been living in Korea for more than 2 years but their Korean proficiency only end up as far with ‘Annyeonghaseyo’ and ‘Kamsahamnida’. Have the guts! It will never hurt to start trying ordering food in Korean as you will immediately earn respect and receive huge praise for your little effort of speaking in local language. Moreover, you will surprise yourself, finding out that now you know more Korean vocabularies and able to read faster. I do!
3.      Make friends.
Don’t limit your circle of connections only within school. There are so many activities hold under the supervision of Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Global Center such as Seoul International Student Forum and Global Seoul Mate. Also take chances to involve in many volunteering activities. This way you can get great extension of network ( I got more than 200 new friends on Facebook!) and visit many hidden places such as a Bukhansan Oak Tree Reservation Park and free –ride on Hangang ‘Seoul Promotion Ferry’.
4.      Smile
When getting lost because of taking the wrong subway exit or dealing with 20 hours non-stop raining or 45 degrees humid and hot summer, never forget to put up a little smile on your face. Believe that you can turn any bad days into a fun day. A full rainy day will be a good time to show some of your fashion sense with colorful boots and raincoats.
5.      Good planning lead to good execution.
As I came to Seoul with a main goal of pursuing graduate study, it was always good to make a monthly plan at the beginning of the month and review it weekly. This way good grades can be achieved while not losing the fun experiences. Advisory Professor is there to help you reach your study goal so ensure to have close and regular connection every semester. Don’t forget to put priority on extracurricular activities to attend in each week. This is to ensure sufficient time for our body and mind to rest and relax.

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