2012. 9. 15.

From Sunday-Morning Market to High-Building Super Mall. By Windu

Sunday Market is a traditional market that emerge only every Sunday. This unique traditional market already existed since the era of Kingdom in Indonesia several centuries ago. That time, people used to go to the market to buy their daily needs and some clothes. Until now, we still can see Sunday Market in some cities in Indonesia. Such as in Jogjakarta, the citizen always go to Sunday-Morning Market, where people can find any clothes, shoes, souvenirs with cheaper price at morning of every Sunday. The foods that we can find in Sunday-Morning Market usually are traditional foods such as ‘gudeg-jogja’ and many kind of traditional cakes and sweets. ‘Surabi Solo’ is my favorite traditional cakes. All the products and foods at Sunday-Morning Market usually are very cheap and fresh.

선데이 시장은 일요일에만 운영되는 전통 백화점이다. 특유의 시장이 인도네시아에서 왕국시대부터 현재까지 존재하고 있다. 그때 시민들이 일용품, 등을 구입하러 시장에 자주 갔었다. 오늘도 인도네시아의 개의 도시에서 선데이 시장을 있다. 자카르타 같은 도시는 시민들이 보통 , 구두, 상품 등이 저렴한 선데이 아침 시장에 간다. 곳에 있는 음식품도 저렴하고 싱싱하다.

Sunday morning market and other unique sunday market always can bring old memories to Indonesian families. The image which is old and typical of Indonesian become the key why until today these markets  still exist. For me, every time I go back to Indonesia, I always ask my family to wake up early on Sunday and have a walk to the market and eat some traditional foods and cakes. It makes me remember how I grew up in that area. How friendly people of Indonesia and how close the family relations in my city.

But unfortunately in this new globalization and westernization era, many traditional markets collapsed. Young people choose Super mall to spend their time with friends. Many good and famous brands of clothes, bags, cosmetics, are some of the reasons why young Indonesian people these days prefer to visit Super mall and spend their time not only for buying the products but also for having time with friends in some nice cafes and restaurants inside super mall. In my city, there is really big super mall that also provides indoor-amusement park, complete with ice and snow world corner  which means for Indonesian is something new. Our country has no winter, this is one of the attractive factor why young people prefer to go to that super mall. As the biggest super mall with indoor amusement park, Bandung Super Mall is really interesting place to visit.

요즘 운영 중인 수많은 슈퍼몰때문에 전통 시장이 점점 닫게 됐지만 선데이 인도네시아 가족들 사이에 아침 시장 다른 선데이 시장이 많이 유명해졌다. 주말을 보통 가족들이랑 지내는 방법 하나는 바로 선데이 시장에 같이 가서 식사 한다는 것이다

요즘 파산한 전통 시장이 많다. 이유 젊은인들이 슈퍼몰 좋아한다는 것이 하나다. 브랜드가 유명한 , 가방, 화장품 등뿐만 아니라 수많은 식당이 있기 때문이기도 한다.  우리 도시에서도 시민들한테 새롭게 보이는 놀이공원, 아이스월드, 스노월드 등이 있는 슈퍼몰이 있다. 우리나라에 겨울이 없다는 것은 젊은인들이 슈퍼몰에 몰려 있는 이유 하나로 꼽힌다. 여기에 더하면 슈퍼몰은 사람들이 시간을 즐길 만한 영화관, 노래방 등이 있다. 반면 전통 시장 경우 이미자 이미 오래됐고 저렴한 옛날 스타일의 물품만 남아있다. 그렇기 때문에 젊은인들이 십년 전에 전통 시장을 점점 잊어버리는 추세가 있다. 그런데 정부와 활동가들이 전통 시장의 이미지를 되살리는 데에 노력을 기울인다.  

Besides that, super mall also has movie theater and karaoke places where people can enjoy new movies and songs. But in traditional market, the image is old and people can only buy cheap and old-style products, because of these thinking, many young people started forgetting how nice and important traditional market in several decades ago. Nevertheless, government and activists are trying to rebuild the image of traditional market in order to protect it. 

For me, all Indonesian should protect the sustainability of Sunday markets because this unique character of  this traditional market is a real image of Indonesia.

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