The story about Soe Hok Gie was based on true story from his diary. Soe Hok Gie who was called Soe or Hok Gie was a Chinese-Indonesian born in Jakarta in 1942. Soe Hok Gie grew up in the middle of uncertainty in Indonesia. In 1960s Indonesia was led by Soekarno, first president of Indonesia, the situation was described by poverty and without freedom, far from what all government's radio said everyday.
kepemimpinan dan jiwa ingin membawa Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dan makmur
telah tumbuh semenjak ia duduk di bangku SMP. Jiwanya yang tak ingin kalah oleh
keadaan, yang selalu memberontak terhadap ketidakadilan makin tumbuh ketika ia
lulus dari jenjang sekolah SMA dan memulai belajarnya di Universitas Indonesia.
Soe Hok Gie banyak bertemu teman-teman yang memiliki pemikiran dan pandangan
yang sama akan pembaharuan di Indonesia, ia juga mencintai Alam, sastra dan
karya-karya pemikiran tentang Negara.
The spirit to bring Indonesia to brighter life for all the citizen has been built since he was at middle school. After he finished his high school, he entered University of Indonesia, and met many friends who have similar thought of enlightenment for better Indonesia, this movie also showed how he loves nature, literature which is related to states and welfare.
The spirit to bring Indonesia to brighter life for all the citizen has been built since he was at middle school. After he finished his high school, he entered University of Indonesia, and met many friends who have similar thought of enlightenment for better Indonesia, this movie also showed how he loves nature, literature which is related to states and welfare.
ini banyak menggambarkan bagaimana prinsipnya yang murni dan jauh dari politik
yang kotor maupun politik yang lebih mengarah pada agama, ras, suku atau budaya
tertentu. Ia melihat bahwa kepemimpinan di tahun 60-an lebih didominasi oleh
kepemimpinan yang lebih memikirkan kepentingan pribadi dan kediktatoran, tak ada kebebasan, rakyat miskin sedangkan pemerintah berfoya-foya mennghamburkan
uang, ia banyak memberikan kritik kepada pemerintah melalui tulisan-tulisannya
di beberapa koran nasional. Pada saat itu, pemberontakan TKI juga berlangsung
dan ketika kepemimpinan Soekarno turun, pemerintahan orde baru sendiri yang
dicurigai banyak menculik dan membunuh orang-orang yang diduga berhubungan
dengan partai komunis.
This movie also described how his principles which were pure and far from any dirty politics or any politics that were related to a particular racial, ethnic, religious, or culture. He saw leadership in era 1960s were dominated by dictatorship, and government and actor's self interest. People were poor but government were happy and spent so much money for themselves only. He criticized government through his writing on many national news papers. That period, government kidnapped many people who were suspected have corelation with comunist party.
This movie also described how his principles which were pure and far from any dirty politics or any politics that were related to a particular racial, ethnic, religious, or culture. He saw leadership in era 1960s were dominated by dictatorship, and government and actor's self interest. People were poor but government were happy and spent so much money for themselves only. He criticized government through his writing on many national news papers. That period, government kidnapped many people who were suspected have corelation with comunist party.
harian Soe Hok Gie sendiri diterbitkan dengan judul Catatan Seorang Demonstran
tahun 1983. Banyak tulisan-tulisan lainnya yang juga diterbitkan setelah
kematiannya. Soe Hok Gie meninggal ketika ia mendaki gunung, di atas puncak
gunung Semeru ia meninggal satu hari sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke 27 karena
mencium asap beracun. Kisah cintanya juga mewarnai film ini, kisah cinta di atas
rasa hormat yang tak sempat diungkapkannya semasa hidup tertoreh dalam sebuah
surat yang ia titipkan kepada temannya sebelum ia mendaki gunung.
The diary of Soe Hok Gie was published with the tittle A Diary of A Demonstrator in 1983. Many other of his writings were also published after his death. He dead when he was hiking into one of the highest mountain in Indonesia because he breathed poison fog in the tof of Semeru mountain a day before his 27th birthday. His love story also colourful this movie, a love that was based on respect that he never revealed, he wrote a love letter to his bestfriend, Ira before he left to the mountain through a friend.
yang seorang aktivis pemberani percaya bahwa
terbaik adalah tidak dilahirkan, kedua Dilahirkan tetapi mati muda,
tersial adalah mati diumur tua, Rasa-rasanya memang begitu,
Bahagialah mereka
yang mati muda”
He was a great activist who always believes that
"the most lucky person in the world is the person who is never born to the earth, second is born but die in young age,
the most unlucky person is the one who has long life, Ya I think is like that,
You should be happy if you die in young age"
Film ini bisa menjadi referensi tontonan yang apik bagi para pecinta film, film ini juga mengandung pesan moral bagaimana seorang pemuda yang berpendidikan berfikir tentang masa depan bangsa dan sesama. Jiwa nasionalisme yang berani menantang dan memerangi kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan dapat membawa kita kembali kepada arti sebangsa dan tanah air Indonesia.
This movie could be a reference for movie lover, this film also brings message of nationalism and soul of war, war from poverty and injustice, how an intellectual student concerned about other's life.
He was a great activist who always believes that
"the most lucky person in the world is the person who is never born to the earth, second is born but die in young age,
the most unlucky person is the one who has long life, Ya I think is like that,
You should be happy if you die in young age"
Film ini bisa menjadi referensi tontonan yang apik bagi para pecinta film, film ini juga mengandung pesan moral bagaimana seorang pemuda yang berpendidikan berfikir tentang masa depan bangsa dan sesama. Jiwa nasionalisme yang berani menantang dan memerangi kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan dapat membawa kita kembali kepada arti sebangsa dan tanah air Indonesia.
This movie could be a reference for movie lover, this film also brings message of nationalism and soul of war, war from poverty and injustice, how an intellectual student concerned about other's life.
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