muda di Indonesia biasanya menghabiskan waktu terbesarnya untuk belajar di
sekolah atau universitas seharian. Tapi di sela-sela waktu senggangnya,
anak-anak muda ini biasanya menghabiskan waktu dengan teman atau bahkan dengan
pacar mereka. Tradisi malam minggu mungkin bukan Cuma ada di Indonesia saja,
tetapi tradisi ini memang menjadi bagian dari masyarakat Indonesia dari tahun
ke tahun. Bahkan dari jaman kakek-nenek saya dahulu, tradisi malam minggu sudah
melekat dan seperti menjadi bagian yang tak bisa dipisahkan ketika kita
bercerita tentang memiliki pacar.
In Indonesia, young people are used to spend most of their time by studying in school or university. However in the spare time,they usually use their time with friends or even with their couple. "malam minggu" which means a night before Sunday or so-called Saturday night became a tradition that maybe not only could be found in Indonesia, but this tradition became a part of Indonesian society year to year. Several years ago, or maybe in the era of my grand grand-parents, this tradition already could not be separated when people talk about couple or lover.
In Indonesia, young people are used to spend most of their time by studying in school or university. However in the spare time,they usually use their time with friends or even with their couple. "malam minggu" which means a night before Sunday or so-called Saturday night became a tradition that maybe not only could be found in Indonesia, but this tradition became a part of Indonesian society year to year. Several years ago, or maybe in the era of my grand grand-parents, this tradition already could not be separated when people talk about couple or lover.
sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan tradisi malam minggu?? Malam minggu adalah
malam hari sebelum datangnya hari minggu. Semua pasangan di malam minggu
diharuskan mengunjungi pacar mereka baik dengan mendatangi rumah pasangan
perempuan mereka maupun mengajak pacar mereka berjalan-jalan atau makan di
What is exactly meaning of "Malam minggu" tradition?? All couple in the night before Sunday comes is the time for couple to meet each other. Boyfriend could visit the house of the girlfriend or just ask the girlfriend to meet outside by having dinner in restaurant or even just have a walk.
Pada hari sabtu malam, semua pasangan biasanya menghabiskannya dimulai dengan cara makan di café atau restoran kesayangan mereka, setelah itu anak-anak muda berpasangan ini biasanya pergi berdua dengan motor atau mobil mereka atau bahkan hanya dengan kendaraan umum sambil melihat-lihat kota di malam hari. Terkadang juga sambil bergandengan mereka berbincang dan bercanda dan berjalan di tepi pantai. Selain kegiatan itu, biasanya pasangan juga menghabiskan waktu malam minggu mereka dengan pergi ke super mall dan menonton film-film baru yang ditayangkan di bioskop.
On Saturday night, all couple usually start their dating by having nice food in the cafe or their lovely restaurant, after that those young couple are used to spend together by riding motorbike around the city or driving their cars to see how beautiful their city in the evening. Some of the boys who don't have any car or motorbike, could go around by public transportation. That time could make a romantic time for both. Sometimes, they also just go by walking and holding hand, especially in Jakarta where some locations are close to beach. If we go to the beach on Saturday night, we would see so many couples walking and chatting. Besides those activities, many couples also prefer to go to Super Mall and watch new movie or go to Karaoke to sing their favorite songs.
What is exactly meaning of "Malam minggu" tradition?? All couple in the night before Sunday comes is the time for couple to meet each other. Boyfriend could visit the house of the girlfriend or just ask the girlfriend to meet outside by having dinner in restaurant or even just have a walk.
Pada hari sabtu malam, semua pasangan biasanya menghabiskannya dimulai dengan cara makan di café atau restoran kesayangan mereka, setelah itu anak-anak muda berpasangan ini biasanya pergi berdua dengan motor atau mobil mereka atau bahkan hanya dengan kendaraan umum sambil melihat-lihat kota di malam hari. Terkadang juga sambil bergandengan mereka berbincang dan bercanda dan berjalan di tepi pantai. Selain kegiatan itu, biasanya pasangan juga menghabiskan waktu malam minggu mereka dengan pergi ke super mall dan menonton film-film baru yang ditayangkan di bioskop.
On Saturday night, all couple usually start their dating by having nice food in the cafe or their lovely restaurant, after that those young couple are used to spend together by riding motorbike around the city or driving their cars to see how beautiful their city in the evening. Some of the boys who don't have any car or motorbike, could go around by public transportation. That time could make a romantic time for both. Sometimes, they also just go by walking and holding hand, especially in Jakarta where some locations are close to beach. If we go to the beach on Saturday night, we would see so many couples walking and chatting. Besides those activities, many couples also prefer to go to Super Mall and watch new movie or go to Karaoke to sing their favorite songs.
Karena tradisi inilah orang-orang yang memiliki pacar tetapi tidak menjalankan malam mingguan, biasanya berfikir bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah dari hubungan mereka. Biasanya ketika hubungan diantara pasangan sudah tidak baik, para lelaki tidak akan datang ke rumah pacarnya atau tidak akan ada lagi ajakan jalan-jalan di malam minggu dengan alasan bahwa dia punya banyak kerjaan atau bahkan sedang sakit. Oleh karena itulah, orang-orang menganggap bahwa Malam minggu sangatlah penting dalam menjaga keharmonisan dan kelanggengan hubungan dengan pasangan.
Due to this tradition, the couple who don't meet their lover on Saturday night, could think that their relations are going to ruin soon. Especially if the boyfriend doesn't come for several Saturday nights. When the relation goes bad, the boyfriend will say that he can't come because of assignments, busy or even sick become signal for the girls to know that the relations is going to end. Therefore, people think that this tradition is really important in order to protect the harmony of their relations.

So, what about the single?? this Saturday night, a romantic night, always becomes a nightmare for them. What they can do is only being at home, watching TV with family. The reason why they prefer at home is because they don't to feel bad and lonely by seeing other couple anywhere. Nevertheless, some of them think that they also can enjoy Saturday night even without anybody beside them by going to favorite cafe and Mall with family or friends.
Lalu bagaimana menurut anda?? apakah tradisi ini memang bermanfaat untuk kelanggengan hubungan? atau hanya sekedar budaya saja tanpa sebuah makna?? Ini kembali pada anda semua, tapi yang pasti ketika anda berkunjung ke Indonesia, silahkan perhatikan seluruh tempat dan jalanan di malam minggu, atau mungkin anda juga mencoba tradisi ini.^^
And now, what about you? could this tradition help protecting the relations? or it is just a culture without any meaning? you all can have your own opinion, but if you visit Indonesia, you will see many couples are together on Saturday night, or maybe you also could try this tradition.^^

And now, what about you? could this tradition help protecting the relations? or it is just a culture without any meaning? you all can have your own opinion, but if you visit Indonesia, you will see many couples are together on Saturday night, or maybe you also could try this tradition.^^

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